Hello from Washington DC! Since last writing, I now have under my belt: a trip to England, a pile of British souvenirs, a move to Washington DC, a new internship begun, many new friends, and a few books read (though likely fewer than I’d prefer). It’s been a whirlwind last few weeks full of various excitements and difficulties, but I’m grateful for it all. It was truly a dream to travel to England after having wanted to for so long, and though Washington DC is overwhelming in many ways, I’m so glad to be here and to now know the people I’m working with. They have already encouraged and challenged me in such unique ways and I can’t wait to make more memories with them this semester.
For now, here are a few pictures to summarize the last few weeks speedily. More posts are coming, never fear! I promise I wouldn’t pass up the chance to show off my detailed pictures of Westminster Abbey and Jane Austen’s House :) But with so much having happened lately, I wanted to do a speedy catch-up first and then go back through slowly. So, welcome to the whirlwind version of the past few weeks of my life.
Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, England. It played Pemberley in the 2005 Pride and Prejudice. What a dream world! |
Oxford's Radcliffe Camera, a library only open to students. |
Welcome to Downton, everyone... what a dream come true to walk in the footsteps of Lady Mary herself ;) |
Hello London! |
Pretty neat that I now see this every day as I walk to and from work |
My fellow FRC interns for the semester! |
Stay tuned! Detailed England posts are coming soon!